Sunday, April 15, 2012

Natural Thrush Treatment and Overgrown

Thrush is a very uncomfortable condition since it happens in the mouth area. It can be cured naturally with the use of yogurt, clove oil, apple cider vinegar and wormwood. Your diet can also help in relieving the infection.
Thrush, which is also commonly referred to as Candida Albicans, is a condition caused by yeast fungus. It normally occurs in the area of the mouth especially in babies. You know you have thrush if you find some white spots on your tongue that bleed once touched. Even if you try to wipe them away, they simple will not be removed. 

There are many treatments that deal with the yeast infection. However, the best way to treat thrush is through natural remedies. When you go natural, you always know that what you are doing is safe and will not have any side effects.
One of the best ways to treat thrush naturally is through yogurt. Eating yogurt as often as you can will help the yeast infection to go away. This is because yogurt has good bacteria that can regulate the amount of Candida Albicans present in the mount. You need to make sure though that the yogurt is natural and pure. If it is sweetened, the yeasts may just feed on it.
Wormwood is another known way to eliminate thrush. It is known for its ability to balance the amount of bacteria present in the mouth area. It regulates the level of good and bad bacteria therefore it reduces the severity of the yeast production. Clove oil is also essential in getting rid of the white patches. One important thing to note though is that clove oil is a very strong type of oil. This means that when it is used, it can be overpowering for people. Therefore, an important step is to dilute it. You can either dilute it with coconut oil or other carrier oils available near you.
If you are fond of apple cider vinegar, you can also use it to deal with the thrush. Candida Albicans cannot survive a very acidic environment. Therefore, if you apply apple cider vinegar, then the yeast will surely die. You will need the raw variety though and not the processed one. The raw apple cider vinegar is more acidic and has healthier attributes. Just remember to dilute it first because this vinegar is really strong. You do not want to hurt your tongue or skin so better be careful.
The next one is probably the easiest and the cheapest natural remedy for thrush – light and air. You’ve read it right. By exposing the affected area to light and giving it air, the infection can go away. This is because yeast like places that are dark and wet. It does not like very bright places therefore it dies.
Your diet can also affect the Candida Albicans in your mouth area. As much as possible, you need to avoid sweet foods first including fruits as they may provide food for the yeast and trigger the reproduction.
These are just some of the natural ways on how you can treat thrush. Remember that you do not always have to rely on medicines if you natural remedies are available. For serious cases, however, it is advisable to check with a doctor to find out the best way to deal with the problem.

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